The Spotted Lanternfly is an invasive, destructive pest that is native to China, India, Vietnam,  and Eastern Asia. This species was first detected in September 2014 in parts of eastern Pennsylvania. Since then, their presence has spread across the U.S. These insects feed on pines, fruit trees, grapevines, and many other plants. Unfortunately, they pose a considerable threat to the wine, fruit, logging, and even the Christmas Tree industry in America.

As the premier provider of tree trimming services in Chestnut Hill, PA and the surrounding areas, we understand that Spotted Laternflies pose a serious problem to property owners throughout the region. Below are some steps that can be taken to mitigate Spotted Lanternfly damage, but in all cases, it’s imperative that you call on our team of professionals to assist you. 

Look for Eggs

Be on the lookout for egg masses from late September through May.  Also, try to remember that all sightings of adult Spotted Lanternflies, eggs, and nymphs should be reported to your state plant regulatory official or local university extension.

Thoroughly Inspect Outdoor Areas

If you live in an area where Spotted Lanternflies have been discovered, check all outdoor items thoroughly before moving them. This includes outdoor furniture, firewood, children’s toys, picnic tables, and boats. If you notice any egg masses or live Spotted Lanternflies then you should call us immediately, since they can spread into your garden areas and kill off plant life.

Remove any Ailanthus Altissima Trees (Tree of Heaven) From Your Property

Trees of Heaven (a.k.a. Ailanthus Altissima Trees) are high-risk hosts for adult Spotted Lanternflies. Therefore, to prevent the pests from damaging other plants on your property, we recommend removing these host trees. At Liberty Tree & Landscape Management, we can cut them down and treat the remaining stumps. We also offer tree pruning services in the Philadelphia, PA region. If you live in a quarantined county in the state, remember that the wood is not allowed to be removed from the area. 

The Spotted Lanternfly poses a significant threat to just about every property in our region, and this problem can only be addressed by expert tree care professionals — like our team here at Liberty Tree & Landscape Management. Regardless if you’ve recently seen a few Spotted Lanternfly eggs or if you’re in the middle of a full infestation, you should contact us immediately for help.