Your lawn is a source of pride, so it’s important to do everything you can to care for it properly. That’s why it’s so frustrating when brown patches appear.  Below, you’ll find some of the common causes of brown patches and how to fix them.

Brown Patch Disease

A common lawn disease homeowners in Philadelphia suffer from is brown patch disease. It causes grass to turn brown during the hot summer months. You can often detect that this is the cause for your dead grass because it will appear in brownish yellow irregular circular patches.

To combat brown patch, you have a few different options. During hot, humid seasons, you can water your lawn in the early morning or late afternoon. You’ll also want to fertilize carefully to not add too much nitrogen to your yard because nitrogen leads to brown patch disease.

If you cannot get your lawn to recover on your own, you may need to enlist the help of landscaping companies in Philadelphia to assist you in applying fungicides and aerating your lawn. 


Another common cause of dead grass spots is thatch, an accumulation of dead or decaying plant materials interrupting the flow of nutrients from the grass blades to the roots. Thatch occurs when the lawn is not mowed, fertilized, or appropriately watered. Dethatching the lawn can help prevent brown spots in your grass.

Dull Mower Blades

Mower blades that are no longer sharp end up tearing through the grass rather than cutting it cleanly. Shredded grass can be damaging to your beautiful green lawn. Make sure your mower is ready for use by sharpening your blades in the fall and spring.

Too Much Fertilizer

Too much fertilizer spells doom for your lawn. Fertilizer can help your grass grow lusciously, but if you apply it more often than is recommended, you could be dealing with the consequences — brown spots.

Bad Soil

Sometimes, you have brown patches throughout your yard because you have poor soil quality. If this is the case, you will need to aerate your lawn to allow the grass roots to absorb nutrients and keep from drying out.

Pet Urine

As cute as our pets are, their urine can have adverse effects on our lawns. Because their urine is high in nitrogen, brown patches are created. To fix your lawn, you’ll need to cover the area with topsoil, then spread new grass seeds over it and water frequently.

Preventing and Fixing Brown Patches in Your Grass

Repairing the damages done by brown spots and getting your yard back to looking pristine requires diagnosing the problem. Have professionals come out to your home and evaluate your lawn. 

Liberty Tree & Landscape Management offers lawn care services in Philadelphia and can help you pinpoint and fix any lawn issues. We can also advise you on some of the best practices for a healthy lawn. Get in touch with us today!