Picture this: You’ve spent a small fortune on a landscaper at the beginning of the season, but just a few weeks later, you’re walking through your garden, and you notice a bunch of small bites taken out of the flower you’ve been eagerly awaiting. Some folks may give up gardening for life, but it doesn’t have to be that way. 

With the proper tools and pest education, you could have the garden of your dreams without all the pests that come with it.

Common Garden Pests in Southeastern PA

Some of the most common garden pests include:

Spotted Lanternflies

If you’ve lived in Southeastern PA for a few summers, you’ve probably encountered the crimson and black hopping moth known as the spotted lanternfly. They’ve wreaked havoc on Pennsylvania’s hardwood and fruit trees and will continue to do so without intervention. You can have your property sprayed for spotted lanternflies, squish them when you see them, remove potential attractants, and plant milkweed in excess to limit their spread. 

Spider Mites

One of the most common garden pests, spider mites suck the sap out of leaves. Red spider mites may leave fine webbing all over the plants they infest, but their main symptom is rapid leaf loss.


Unfortunately, whitefly is known for its resistance to many pesticides. They’re especially common in the Southern United States, but they tend to be seen throughout the Northeast in the warmer months. Like spider mites, whiteflies also suck sap from the leaves and branches of the plants they infest.

Codling Moth

The Codling moth is known for burrowing holes in freshly grown fruit, such as apples. For this reason, fruit trees are the most vulnerable to codling moth infestation. Codling moths are nocturnal, so they can be hard to spot. The telltale sign of codling moth infestation is rotting fruit with a small burrow. 

Leaf Miners

Life miners are notorious for leaving discolored track marks on the leaves they infect. While leaf miners will not kill your plants, they may stunt the plant’s growth. 


Scale insects exist in a thousand varieties, but all scale insects tend to perform the same basic function. You’ll be able to detect scale insects because they give the appearance of blisters along the stem and underside of leaves. Scale insects are aggressive to the plants they infect, and they are challenging to eradicate. 

Contact Our Insect and Disease Management Company

While this is far from an exhaustive list of the garden pests you may encounter in Southeastern PA, it’s important to remain vigilant and knowledgeable about the inner workings of your garden if you hope to see it thrive year after year. Some garden pests can be especially pervasive, so it’s a good idea to consult with a landscape gardener or certified arborist if you suspect you are dealing with a pest infestation in your garden. 

For more information about dealing with spotted lanternflies and other garden pests, reach out to our team today!